I’d stick me in a corner, but…

That wouldn’t get a post written. Life has been the usual crazy. People in, people out, work, illness, etc. So, where do things stand? Dare I say mellow? Hmm… Short Recap.

Winter was Damn Cold. It seamed to last much longer than last year. Partially because it started out mild and then turned into an Ice Box. We even had snow a couple of weeks ago. 8 inches no less. We have all been waiting for Spring.

October saw AshcaTek move down to Washington School. That was a good thing, as there was black mold at the other site. I actually started to feel a bit better, as it seems that every time I turned around, I had a cold, or sinus infection. Granted, work wasn’t great. Dan has been busy as the proverbial one armed paper hanger. Meanwhile, decisions made by the bosses kept decreasing my workload. Yes, I worked three days a week, but damn… let me actually do my job instead of putting more on the plates of the IT Techs. Finally, in April, I’d had enough. I ‘retired’ on April 10th. Same day that one of my co-workers left to take a better job in Kansas City, MO.

Granted, I’ve had at least five job offers since I quit. For the moment, I’m going to do a bit of website work for a friend, sewing work, and in general, relax. Gardening is high on that list too! I actually got out and did a few things today.

Stefan and his dog Axle moved out, and up to Monument Lake where he will be for the season as restaurant manager. 🙂 That brings us down to the two dogs, the cat, Bryan, Dan and I. Oh, and the occasional guest.

The other thing that happened is that I got sick. Yes, the black mold was an issue. However, so was a baseline infection that we suspect has been there quietly bubbling up every so often for seven or eight years. At that time, I dislocated my right big toe. What I didn’t know, was that it was cracked. Between bone marrow poisoning, and other infections, it became a hotbed for bacteria. Mid April, I started to feel off. I went to Urgent Care, got on antibiotics, and made an appointment with my podiatrist. Yep… infection, but he wasn’t sure exactly where. Not surprising to be honest. A week later, we knew, as the antibiotic wasn’t kicking ass. X-rays proved infection, and the source… that cracked bone. The only recourse was surgery. While I was kicking myself for not taking better care of my feet, it was pointed out that there was no way I could have known there was a crack in the bone, nor that it was slowly poisoning me.

I’m healing. Learning to walk is the worst. I got used to a certain ‘stride’ because of the dislocated toe. Now, I get to correct it. The foot doesn’t really hurt, except for the occasional bit of nerve pain. The hip and knee on the other hand more than make up for it. I hate being gimpy! I also get to reclaim my digestive tract after a month of antibiotics.

One thing I did on Friday/Saturday was get up at 3am, and watch the Coronation. I’m not a huge fan of Charles III, but I wanted to see the pageantry, the ceremony, that moment in history. It was interesting. Not sure which bit was best…. Charles having a tizzy when the timing for his arrival was off, Camilla looking bored, and staring off into the void during the whole thing, or the various antics of the Wales’ children.

Now to go see if I can get someone to help me move plants.